Every party is there for the people and not for itself.
At a glance
- Parties are the link between the democratic state and its population. They enable citizens to participate in the political system, represent them and generate political influence from social interests and ideas.
- Democracy is our mission! That is why we are committed to democratic structures and democratic party systems worldwide.
- We work closely with our partner parties abroad. The main aims of this cooperation are to develop and advise on programmes and to promote young talent within the party.
- Analysing international elections is also part of the repertoire of our work abroad. The most important tool her is our country reports, in which we analyse and interpret current elections and their results.
1. Parties are central actors for democracy
2. We support our partner parties
3. Elections are the beating heart of democracy
4. Elections analysis is an integral part of our work
5. Our offers and projects on the topic
6. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic
Political parties are among the key protagonists of representative democracy. Ideally, they enable the population to participate in the political system, ensure the representation of various political opinions and translate social interests and ideas into political influence. Successful participation in elections is essential for the work of parties and implementation of their programmes. Universal, direct, free, equal, secret elections form the heart of democracy and the basis of political parties’ democratic legitimacy.
Parties are central actors for democracy
In developing states and transition countries, democratically oriented parties are vital for the consolidation of democracies. In consolidated democracies, on the other hand, they are central actors in political decision-making.
Therefore, since the first day of its work abroad, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has been committed to strengthening democratic structures and the continued existence of democratic party systems worldwide. We now work regularly with parties in over 70 country offices. Added to this are offices with a regional focus, which are primarily dedicated to party and political dialogue.
We support our partner parties
In joint collaboration with our partners on site, we therefore wish to contribute to developing value-based, programmatically sound democratic politics oriented towards the common good.
In addition to efforts to improve framework conditions for developing democratic structures in and for parties, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s international party dialogue focuses on programme development and consultation, improving political communication both internally and externally, as well as promoting young talent.
Elections are the beating heart of democracy
Complementing the cooperation and promotion of democratic parties, the examination of international elections represents an important part of our work abroad. Elections are the central criterion for democracy, whereas their curtailment is a clear sign of its regression. Although definitions of democracy that far exceed the mere existence of free elections have long been established in political science, going to the ballot box is such an integral moment of political legitimacy that even autocrats rarely abstain from doing so, at least seemingly.
Elections analysis is an integral part of our work
Its network of more than 100 country offices in at least as many countries has afforded the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung the unique opportunity to directly experience and accompany elections in all these countries and regions. Our task is not to observe elections (unless we are officially mandated to do so), but rather to analyse, document and interpret the run-up to and course of elections, the candidates, their parties and programmes and, last but not least, the results and consequences for our target groups locally and in Germany.
Here, our most important tool is the country reports from our country offices: They provide concise, well-researched and up-to-date analyses on elections in the respective country of operation.
International Party and Political Dialogue
Promoting democracy abroad is one of the key concerns of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. For us, parties are integral actors of a functioning and vibrant democracy. That is why we promote and take care of exchange and cooperation. We support democratic parties and politically active persons that share our values. Through our work both on the ground and at regional and international level, we provide a platform for political dialogue with and between parties and their target groups.
Election analyses and polls
Our polls and election analyses on the European People’s Party (EPP), provide a comprehensive overview on the state of the EPP party family. Discussions include the performance of EPP member parties at national parliamentary or European elections.
EPP Party Barometer
The EPP Party Barometer aims to provide information on the current situation of the EPP party family in the EU.