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Michael Schwarzenberger / pixabay

Elections in Germany

Elections in Germany


Democracy means having a choice. Dictatorship means being subjected to a choice.

Jeannine Luczak, Literary Scholar

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At a glance

  • Elections are the foundation of every democracy. They determine the political course of the country for a fixed period of time.
  • In the past, voter loyalty to certain parties was widespread. For years,  however, voters’ willingness to switch allegiances has dramatically increased.
  • In conjunction with changes in the electoral market and swing voters, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s electoral research work is also dedicated to the issue of who votes which party and why.
  • Methodologically, a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches are suitable for our election and social research.
  • We regularly commission representative surveys in order to research the fundamental patterns of attitudes towards political electoral behaviour.



1. The electorate is undergoing change

2. Electoral research at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

3. Methods of empirical election and social research

4. Our offers and projects on the topic

5. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


Elections are the cornerstone of democracy. Their outcome determines the political course for a set period of time. The decision of voters and electorate analysis are therefore of major importance beyond the boundaries of electoral research.


The electorate is undergoing change

Election polls have always enjoyed great popularity. Having said that, the voters’ enormous willingness to switch allegiances has dramatically increased over the years. Instead of a fundamental preference for one party, many voters in Germany now have a diverse openness to parties. Hence, poll data and the actual election results differ time and again.


Electoral research at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Fundamental and long-term changes on the electoral market are just as much a focus of our studies as the explanation on who votes which party and why. “The goal is to use scientific means to create the foundations for political action and identify future developments at an early stage. […] At the interface between politics and science, research is to be conducted on such developments that have an impact on politics, the party system and political decision-making processes”, writes GESIS (Gesellschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Infrastruktureinrichtungen) as a background on the foundation regarding data sets of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s empirical studies.


Methods of empirical election and social research

In order to research electoral behaviour, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung applies a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. For instance, in-depth psychological interviews on the qualitative side provide insights into the rationale, unconscious and emotional perceptions surrounding the voting decision and underlying motives. These can then be tested for range and correlations in quantitative surveys.

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung regularly commissions representative surveys and thus researches, often as a time series, basic patterns of attitudes towards political voting behaviour.

Our offers and projects on the topic

Website project “Election Analyses and Demoscopy”

With the website project “Election Analyses and Demoscopy”, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung provides a comprehensive knowledge portal relating to the topic of elections in Germany. In addition to analyses on federal or state elections, here you will find overviews of outcomes of elections that have taken place since 1946 as well as detailed information and relevant studies on opinion and survey research.

Election Analyses of Bundestag Elections


Our overview page on the Bundestag elections will provide you with election analyses since 2005 with major determinants of the election outcome, changes in vote shares, voter migration and voting behaviour in various population groups.


Learn more about the election analyses of Bundestag elections

Election Analyses of State Parliament Elections


Our overview page on all state parliament elections will provide you with election analyses since 2004 with major determinants for state election results, voter migration balances and voting behaviour in various population groups.


Learn more about the election analyses of state parliament elections

Election Outcomes and Representative Election Statistics since 1946


On our overview page on election outcomes and representative election statistics you can view all election results in Federal and State governments since 1946 based on publications of the Federal Statistical Office or the State Statistical Offices.


Learn more about the election outcomes and statistics

Demoscopy (Opinion Polls)


On our overview page on demoscopy you will find current surveys on voting intention (Sunday poll), on the most pressing problems and problem-solving skills, on politicians’ ratings, on the assessment of the economic situation as well as on the assessment of government and opposition in the long-term trend.


Learn more about current opinion polls


Historical election results at a glance

Elections had already taken place in Germany before 1946. Both in the Weimar Republic and the German Empire, elections to the German Reichstag were an integral part of the political system. Although elections also took place in the German Democratic Republic (GDR), these were not free and fair elections in the democratic sense, but rather so-called sham elections in which results were already known in advance and merely served the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) as an instrument of apparent democratic legitimacy. It was not until 1990, in the wake of the successful Peaceful Revolution, that the GDR’s People’s Chamber was freely elected for the first and last time. We have compiled the historical election results for you below.

Election Results in the German Empire 1871 to 1918


Our overview of election results in the German Empire shows the election results of all Reichstag elections in the period between 1871 and 1918.


Learn more about the election results in the German Empire

Election Results in the Weimar Republic 1919 to 1933


Our overview of election results in the Weimar Republic shows the election results of all Reichstag elections in the period between 1919 and 1933.


Learn more about the election results in the Weimar Republic

Election Results in the GDR 1990

In 1990, as a result of the Peaceful Revolution in the GDR, free elections were held for the first and only time. We will present the rules of the election to the People’s Chamber on the following overview page.


Learn more about the election results in the GDR from 1990

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Dr. Viola Neu


Deputy Head of Division Analysis and Consulting,
Head of Department Electoral and Social Research +49 30 26996-3506
Single title
Marco Verch / ccnull
June 1, 2022
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Single title
February 2, 2021
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Monitor Election and Social Research
David McKelvey / flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 /
July 19, 2021
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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications on this topic

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AI and Elections: New dynamics of digital democracy in Germany

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Kulturpessimismus als politische Grundströmung in Deutschland

Different groups of Concept 3D illustration PantherMedia / sibgat

Political Attitudes towards Climate Protection, Migration and the Welfare State

Growing Differences between Voter Groups – Results from Representative Surveys on Political Positions among the German Population

German Angst?

Wovor sich die Deutschen fürchten

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Good Feelings, bad feelings

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Illustration von zwei Personen mit Gedanken Adobe Stock / sebastien montier

Concerns and fears of the electorate – Results from representative surveys

What Germans are afraid of – On feelings of threat among the German population

Brandenburger Landtag IMAGO / Schöning

Analysis of the parliamentary election in Brandenburg on September 22, 2024

Report on the preliminary final result, the main voting determinants, voter migration and social structure

Sächsischer Landtag adobe stock / Simone

Analysis of the parliamentary election in Saxony on 1 September 2024

Report on the preliminary final result, the main voting determinants, voter migration and social structure.

Thüringer Landtag IMAGO / Ardan Fuessmann

Analysis of the parliamentary election in Thuringia on 1 September 2024

Report on the preliminary final result, the main voting determinants, voter migration and social structure



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Man im Regen Adobe Stock / Elle Arden / Generiert mit KI

A qualitative analysis of the political mood in Germany

Disappointment, frustration and resignation

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Something New More Often: The electorate of the new left-conservative party BSW

Results from a representative survey

Wahl 2024 in der Europäischen Union. Europawahl Banner Adobe Stocke / Business Pics / Generiert mit KI

Analysis of the European Elections in Germany on 9 June 2024

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