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Family and Career belong together!!

The compatibility of family and career is an important political topic in the Federal Republic of Germany since many years. A scientifically sound and convincing analysis of the influencing factors is – so far – desideratum in research. With her dissertation on the coherencies of successful careers and a happy family life, KAS scholarship holder Shalaka Sharad Shah made an important contribution to the solution to a key question.

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In her dissertation, Ms. Shah addressed the professional and familial biographies of German and Indian managers. With help of an extensive survey, she was able to scientifically prove the reciprocal positive impacts of successful careers and a fulfilled family life in both cultures. Career and family are no contradictions but they can be unified in a harmonious and positive way! In Germany, CEOs seem to have understood the importance of the topic already. At least, the author notes in her study that many companies offer help to combine familial and professional obligations. In India, family members support the working person much more than in Germany when it comes to job and career. There is hardly any public or operational help.

The study of Ms. Shah proves intercultural differences as well as commonalities. Therefore, Shalaka Sharad Shah became an important intercultural mediator who conveys valuable ideas with a strong practical relevance for both cultures. The scholarship holder was encouraged by the KAS for 3,5 years with a PhD scholarship. She received the grade „magna cum laude“ and will leave for India in a few days to work for „Mercedes Benz India“, where she plans a career as a coach. As a young, former KAS-scholarship holder, she wants to actively promote the KAS scholarships in India.

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Peter Rimmele


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