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IMAGO / Xinhua

Indonesia's new president – an opportunity for Germany

Prabowo Subianto sworn in as President of Indonesia. New opportunities for Germany?

Indonesia has a new president. Eight months after his election victory, Prabowo Subianto was inaugurated into his new office on 20 October. In terms of domestic policy, the former general is in favour of continuing the policies of his predecessor Joko Widodo. In terms of foreign policy, however, he has announced a more active role for Indonesia. Prabowo made a name for himself during the election campaign as a fierce critic of the EU. At the same time, he is considered to have an affinity for Germany. German foreign policy will play a key role in Indonesian-European relations in the future.

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De-Risking, but where to?

The Emerging ASEAN countries as an alternative to China

The German economy should become more diversified. However, how and where such de-risking shall be implemented remains unclear. In search of suitable partners, both politics and business often turn their attention to the emerging economies of Southeast Asia. The dynamic growth of the so-called Emerging ASEAN (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam) offers a seemingly promising alternative to the large neighbour China. However, a look at the economic data shows that the diversification potential in terms of Southeast Asia’s emerging markets is limited.


Indonesia in Super Election Year 2024

Indonesia faces the biggest elections in its history in 2024.

Indonesia faces the biggest elections in its history in 2024. In the third largest democracy in the world, more than 204 million voters will not only elect a new president and the composition of the national parliament, but will also elect governors and regional parliaments in all 38 provinces, as well as all county councils and mayors in the country. The incumbent president, Joko Widodo, is no longer allowed to run after two terms in office. But even if the election campaign for his successor is fiercely waged, all signs point to continuity. For Germany and the EU, this means that Indonesia will continue to be an important, albeit not always easy, partner.

Imago / AAP

Timor-Leste at a crossroads

Old challenges for a new government

On June 26, Timorese President and Nobel Peace Prize laureate José Ramos-Horta will come to Germany to meet with Chancellor Scholz and President Steinmeier. Ramos-Horta is traveling at a crucial time for Timor-Leste. The small country is the most stable democracy in Southeast Asia, but it is also facing an economic precipice. Additionally, it is increasingly at risk of being caught between the geopolitical fronts in the Indo-Pacific.

ASEAN Matters

Indonesia's chairmanship as an opportunity for more European involvement in the region

Indonesia took over the chairmanship of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) at the beginning of the year. With the unresolved conflict in Myanmar and Timor-Leste's accession process to ASEAN launched in 2022, the Indonesian chairmanship faces two major construction sites at once. But the elephant in the room is China's increasingly challenging role in the region. Germany and the EU also have a role to play here.

Indonesiens umstrittene Strafrechtsreform

Am 6. Dezember 2022 hat das indonesische Parlament eine hoch umstrittene Strafrechtsreform beschlossen. Kritiker sehen darin einen rechtswidrigen Eingriff in die Meinungsfreiheit und individuelle Freiheitsrechte. Die Abstimmung folgte nur wenige Tage nachdem die Regierung den finalen Gesetzesentwurf der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt hatte. Eine Koalition aus 40 zum Teil hochrangigen zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen hatte vergeblich eine Verschiebung der Entscheidung gefordert, um die strittigen Punkte des Gesetzes öffentlich diskutieren zu können.

Indonesiens G20-Präsidentschaft

Zwischen außenpolitischem Führungsanspruch und innenpolitischen Interessen

Mit seiner G20-Präsidentschaft in diesem Jahr wollte Indonesien die gemeinsamen Anstrengungen für den weltweiten wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung nach der Pandemie anführen und so seinen außenpolitischen Führungsanspruch unterstreichen. Doch der russische Angriff auf die Ukraine überschattet den gesamten G20-Prozess. Indonesien versucht sich als neutraler Mittler zu positionieren und den G20-Gipfel als Plattform für Gespräche zwischen beiden Seiten anzubieten. Gleichzeitig übt sich die Regierung in Schadensbegrenzung, um einen Eklat auf dem Gipfel im November zu verhindern. Denn für Indonesien stehen vor allem die eigenen nationalen Interessen im Vordergrund, nämlich der Erfolg der G20-Präsidenschaft sowie die Auswirkungen der Krise auf die eigene Wirtschaft. Die Regierung führt so ihre außenpolitische Linie der letzten Jahre auch im Rahmen der G20-Präsidentschaft konsequent fort. Bisher ist sie damit erfolgreich gefahren. Für die beanspruchte Führungsrolle benötigt die Regierung aber – insb. auch mit Blick auf den anstehenden ASEAN-Vorsitz 2023 – eine außenpolitische Strategie, die nicht nur den eigenen nationalen Vorteil sucht, sondern Lösungen für regionale und globale Herausforderungen aktiv gestalten will.

ANTARA FOTO/HO/Setpres/Agus Suparto/wpa/wsj

Indonesia: Cabinet reshuffle to improve Pandemic Control

Indonesia has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. The number of infections has risen rapidly in recent weeks, the positive rate in tests and the number of deaths caused by the COVID-19 virus are the highest in Southeast Asia. With a cabinet reshuffle, President Joko Widodo now wants to improve the government’s position in handling the pandemic and its economic and social consequences.

ANTARA-FOTO/Puspa Perwitasari

President Jokowi starts with his new cabinet in his second term

Following his successful re-election in the spring of 2019, Joko Widodo, known as Jokowi, was officially inducted as President of the Republic of Indonesia on the 20th of October 2019 in Jakarta. Three days later, he introduced his new cabinet, whose personnel composition provided some surprises.

2018 Parliamentary Elections in East Timor

For the second time within the span of a year, the citizens of East Timor have elected a new Parliament. As the parliamentary elections on 22 June 2017 failed to produce a clear majority and a stable government, the President called for a new ballot to be held on 12 May 2018. This was the fifth parliamentary elections since the country gained independence.