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Bauhaus between Dessau and Tel Aviv - Political perspectives on the Shared Architectural Heritage

Political Perspectives on the Shared Architectural Heritage

On the occasion of the visit of Dr. Reiner Haseloff, Minister President of Saxony-Anhalt, KAS Israel and The White City Center are hosting an evening about the importance of the Bauhaus-architecture for the German-Israeli relations.

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With approximately 4000 Bauhaus-buildings the „White City“ of Tel Aviv is deeply influenced by the so-called “International Style” movement. The event aims at exploring and discussing the cultural and architectural importance of the Bauhaus-culture for Israeli urban planning and its political impact on German-Israeli relations.

The lecture will be held in German with simultaneous translation into English.

Please see program under "On Topic".

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Goethe Institut Tel Aviv, Weizmann Str. 4, Tel Aviv - Yafo


Bauhaus zwischen Dessau und Tel Aviv: Politische Perspektiven auf das gemeinsame architektonische Erbe
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Katharina Even