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A Decade since the October 2000 Events

“The Country Shook” – Has the Dust Settled?

Lectures will be delivered in Hebrew and accompanied by simultaneous translation into English

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9:00–10:00Opening Session

Greetings:Prof. Uzi Rabi, Director of the Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation

Dr. Lars Hänsel, Director of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Israel

Opening remarks:Prof. Shimon Shamir (Emeritus), Tel Aviv University, Former Member of the Or Commission

10:00–12:00First Session: The Or Commission’s Recommendations in the Test of Reality

Chairperson:Dr. Taghreed Yahiya-Younis (Tel Aviv University)

Lecturers:Dr. Guy Ben Porat (Ben Gurion University of the Negev)

The Police and Arab Society: Reality and Potential for Change

Attorney Abeer Baker (“Adalah” Legal Center)

Critical Perspective on the Decision to Close the Files of the October 2000 Fatalities

Prof. Shlomo Hasson (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)

Obstacles to Implementation of the Or Commission’s Recommendations and Possible Scenarios

Dr. Ilan Saban (University of Haifa)

The Supreme Court and the Burden of Israeli Society Hardships


13:30–15:00Second Session: Political and Ideological Perspectives

Chairperson:Dr. Amal Jamal (Tel Aviv University)

Lecturers:Dr. Mustafa Kabaha (The Open University)

The Arabs in Israel – Renewing a National Discourse

Prof. Oded Haklai (Queen’s University, Canada)

The October 2000 Events: A True Turning Point?

Prof. Hillel Frisch (Bar Ilan University)

Ebb and Flow: Explaining Arab Political Demobilization after the October Disturbances

15:00–15:30Coffee break

15:30–17:00Third Session: Jewish-Arab Relations in Israel – Future Prospects

Chairperson:Dr. Ephraim Lavie (Tel Aviv University)

Lecturers:Prof. Yitzhak Reiter (Ashkelon Academic College and the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies)

The Work of Academic Think-Tanks and their Impact on Majority-Minority Relations

Dr. As’ad Ghanem (University of Haifa)

The Palestinian Citizens of Israel and the Bi-National Solution

Respondents:MK Orit Zuaretz (Kadima) and MK Afou Agbaria (Hadash), Co-Chairs of the Knesset Lobby for Promoting Ties Between Jews and Arab in Israel

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The “Bnei Zion” Auditorium, Nachum Goldman Diaspora Museum, Tel Aviv University


A Decade since the October 2000 Events:: "The Country Shook – Has the Dust Settled?"
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Dr. Lars Hänsel


Head of the Department Europe and North America +49 30 26996-3526