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Preparatory Meeting for the annual Jewish-Arab Business Conference

Working Group Meeting of KAS and CJAED


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In order to prepare for Israel's annual Jewish-Arab Business Conference in December 2006, and as a follow-up to a workshop held on June 27, 2006, Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Center for Jewish-Arab Economic Development (CJAED) are convening two working sessions, focussing on

1. concrete methods of incorporating Arab Israeli professionals and university graduates into Israel's high-tech industry;

2. the establishment of an investment capital fund for Arab business innovations.

Participants include Jewish and Arab Israeli business people, members of the academia and journalists.

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Daniel Hotel, Herzliya


Frischer Wind für Israels High-Tech-Branche: KAS-Partner CJAED will israelische Araber in den Arbeitsmarkt integrieren
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Dr. Lars Hänsel

Dr. Lars Hänsel

Head of the Department Europe and North America +49 30 26996-3526

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