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Event reports

Educators' Circle for Peace and Sustainability

On the 28th of May, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, in cooperation with the Eastern Mediterranean International School (EMIS), has conducted an Israeli-Palestinian Educators’ Circle. 25 teachers from eight schools in Israel, East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza have participated in the Israeli-Palestinian roundtable in Hakfar Hayarok (Israel) and discussed joint methods and projects to cooperate continuously for peace and sustainability.

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The roundtable was opened with greetings from Rachelle Schilo and Oded Rose (EMIS), Dr. Michael Borchard (KAS) and Nedal Jayousi (Palestinian House for Professional Solutions). The participants then had an opportunity to present themselves and their schools, as well as share their experiences with Israeli-Palestinian dialog groups. This was followed by Mohamed Owdaa, principle of the American International School in Gaza, presenting his school and its cooperation with EMIS.

The teachers were subsequently split up into groups, where they raised suggestions for determining joint goals and projects to promote the cooperation between the schools. Students from EMIS, who participated in the YOCOPAS conference last year, spoke about their experiences and presented constructive ideas and suggestions for joint workshops. The teachers then broke up into subject-related groups (art, sports, science and social) and discussed possible workshops for the closing conference – for both the teachers as well as the students.

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Educators' Circle Doron Gilad


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