Jordanian Youth Guide to Reform and Development - Foundation Office Jordan
Asset Publisher
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Jordanian Youth Guide to Reform and Development
Jordanische Jugend im Angesicht von Reformen und Entwicklung
Jordanian Youth facing Reform and Development - In trying to support the young generation in the Arab world the KAS Amman Office presents a new publication with the title “Jordanian Youth Guide to Reform and Development”. This topic is relevant for the Kingdom, because 75% of the Jordanian society are under 30 years and it undergoes a fast transformation process in various fields. This handbook for the practical work is the product of a workshop from 24. until 28. July 2005 in Amman held by the KAS Amman Office in cooperation with the Jordan University of Science and Technology. The authors gather short summaries of the different workshops and recommendations, in Arabic as well as in English, for reforms and future developments in the fields of: Politics, economics, education, society, media, and administration.