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Specialist conference

Towards a Euro-Mediterranean Region Full of Chances:

EuroMed Free Trade Area 2010 and a Common Migration Strategy

International Parliamentary Conference of the Regional Program of KAF and the European Peoples Party (EPP-ED) in the European Parliament.

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Draft Program

as of 21/2/07

Saturday, 17th March 2007:Arrival

20.00 hCocktail Dinner given by HE Wilhelm Staudacher

on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. in Tunisia

Sunday, 18th March 2007:

09.00-09.30 Registration

09.30-10.00Opening Session


Dr. Hardy Ostry

Regional Representative

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung e.V.

Regional Program Near East / Mediterranean


HE Wilhelm Staudacher

Secretary General and former Secretary of State

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung e.V.

HE Vito Bonsignore, MEP

EPP-ED Vice-President for the Euro-Med Dialogue


EMPA Presidency Tunisia

Keynote Speech

HE Hans-Gert Pöttering, MEP

President of the European Parliament

10.00-10.15 Coffee break

10.15-12.30 First Working Session

Developments and Reforms in Preparation for the Euro Med Trade Area in 2010

Chair: HE Edward McMillon Scott, MEP

Introduction: HE Hicham Hajji, Tunisia

Speaker 1: HE Noureddine Ben Brahem, Algeria

Speaker 2: HE Mohamed Al Ansari, Morocco

Speaker 3: HE Hisham Khalil, Egypt

Speaker 4: HE N.N., Lebanon

Conclusion: HE Othmar Karas, EPP-ED


13.00-15.00 Lunch

15.00-17.00 Second Working Session

A Mutual Migration Policy Close to the Needs of Citizens

Chair: HE Tokia Saifi, MEP

Introduction: HE N.N., Egypt

Speaker 1: HE N.N.

Speaker 2: HE Mevlüt Çavuşoģlu, Turkey

Speaker 3: HE Suleiman Obeidat, Jordan

Conclusion: HE N.N., EPP-ED


17.00–17.15 Coffee Break

17.15–19.00 Third Working Session

Common Challenges in the Parliamentary Co-operation: How a Free Trade Area in 2010 and Migration interact?

Chair: HE Rodi Kratsa- Tsagaropoulou, MEP

Introduction: HE Michael Gahler, EPP-ED

Speaker 1: HE Habib Aouida, Tunisia

Speaker 2: HE Bernard Sabella, Palestine

Speaker 3: HE Fatima Leili, Morocco

Conclusion: HE, N.N., Lebanon


20.00 Dinner

Monday, 19th March 2007

09.00-09.30 Registration

09.00–09.30 Fourth Working Session

Towards a Euro-Mediterranean Region Full of Chances

Chair: HE Simon Busuttil, MEP

Introduction: HE Fouad Kokali, Palestine

Speaker 1: HE N.N., Lebanon

Speaker 2: N.N.

Speaker 3: HE Mohammad Abu Hdeib, Jordan

Speaker 4: HE Zekeriya Akçam, Turkey

Conclusion: HE N.N., EPP


11.30–11.45 Coffee Break

11.45–13.00 Round table

How to Implement Common Views on Free-Trade and Migration Issues?

Chair: HE Vito Bonsignore, MEP

Dienstag, 20th March 2007:Departure

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Tunis - Tunisia


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Dr. Hardy Ostry

Dr. Hardy Ostry

Head of the Washington, D.C. office