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Study and information programme

Young Journalist Traineeship

Call for Applications

Asset Publisher


Young Journalist Traineeship

Journalism sector plays a crucial role in promoting democracy and bringing together an inclusive society in which every voice is heard. Therefore, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Cambodia (KAS) in partnership with the Department of Media and Communication (DMC) of the Royal University of Phnom Penh is offering six traineeship opportunities for DMC students to work at renowned newsrooms in Phnom Penh. This program aims at enabling practical platform for the DMC students to explore and strengthen their skills in journalism in addition to the department’s internship program. Female students are encouraged to apply.


Your tasks

The selected trainees will be working in partner institution’s newsrooms as a part-time reporter. You will attend newsroom meeting, research and pitch story ideas, go to the field to gather information, write the news articles and other relevant tasks required by the institution.


Your benefits

  • Opportunity to develop professions in journalism
  • Working experiences in the respected independent newsrooms
  • Possible expansion of the professional network in media and journalism
  • Financial support of $300 per month and insurance coverage
  • Becoming KAS alumni member
  • A certificate of completion


Your competencies

  • Confidence in communication between different groups and intercultural contexts
  • Strong interests in journalism
  • Structured working approach
  • Ability to work individually and in team
  • Intermediate-level proficiency of English


Duration: Start from June to December 2021, with the possibility of extension


Our partner institutions 

  • The Phnom Penh Post
  • CamboJA News
  • The Southeast Asia Globe
  • Thmey Thmey (two available seats)
  • CCIM/Voice of Democracy
  • RFI (tbc)


Who can apply?

Applicants must be a sophomore, junior, or senior student currently enrolled in the DMC’s Undergraduate Program in Media Management with proven interests to pursue careers in news reporting and writing. Female students are strongly encouraged to apply.


How to apply

Your application shall include:

  • A resumé (No more than two A4 pages)
  • Motivation letter (We recommend that the letter should be 500 words in maximum with description about yourself, interests and reasons of your participation, statement of preferred media house, rationales of your preference).
  • Samples of previous writings (This can either be school assignments or published piece, blog articles, …)

Please submit your application in pdf file by email to Ms. Sousanda Ly at by 1st June, 2021, 5pm.

We wish you all the best and look forward to receiving your applications. 

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Soumy Phan

Portrait Soumy Phan

Head of Communication Department and Program Manager

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