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Digital Platform

Risk and Threat Perception in the Indo-Pacific

This platform is designed to provide policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of the security challenges shaping the Indo-Pacific region.

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Country Report

Surprise coup against Parliament

During the night of December 3-4, 2024, martial law prevailed in South Korea for the first time since the days before democracy in 1980/81.

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House specialty: lame duck?

Results of South Korea’s general election

South Korea elected a new parliament. It does not look good for president Yoon.

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Mobility Transformation

We are excited to share our latest publication: In a first part, MCube presents approaches of the German Stauhauptstadt. The series will continue over the coming months.

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Generation change or carry on as before?

Korea's parties in turmoil

The next regular parliamentary election in South Korea is just under four months away.

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Country report

Party Convention of the Korean Conservatives

On 8 March 2023, the People Power Party (PPP), South Korea's ruling party, held its party congress directly outside Seoul.

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Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung ist eine politische Stiftung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Mit ihren Programmen und Projekten leistet sie einen aktiven und wirksamen Beitrag zur internationalen Zusammenarbeit und Verständigung. Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung und ihre Aktivitäten in der Republik Korea werden hier vorgestellt.

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Media library

#KAS4Security Strategic Outlook in Asia

Strategic Outlook in Asia

"Understanding China": Strategic Outlook in Asia ahead of US presidential election with Prof. Kuik Cheng-Chwee and Veerle Nouwens.

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#KAS4Democracy Global Exchange for Young Politicians

Which fields need more global exchange and why is it important for young politicians? Nari Shin from Korea shares her opinion and own experience.

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#KAS4Democracy Global Exchange for Young Politicians

Which fields need more global exchange and why is it important for young politicians? Jiwon Ok from Korea shares her opinion and own experience.

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#KAS4Democracy Global Exchange for Young Politicians

Which fields need more global exchange and why is it important for young politicians? Hyowon Lee from Korea shares her opinion and own experience.

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Taiwan Strait

#KAS4Security Understanding China - Taiwan Strait

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Hands-On Mobility Dialogue 2022

Mobility Futures

The Korea Office of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung invited a delegation of Korea Transport Institute (KOTI) representatives for a study trip across Germany

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Seoul´s Autonomous Driving Vision

Mobility Futures

Seoul is a megacity of more than 10 million people and maintaining an efficient transportation infrastructure is a crucial task for the metropolitan government

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Ready for Power and Responsibility? Homework for Beijing

KAS Korea Office conducted an interview with Prof. Chung Jae Ho, China expert at Seoul National University in Korea.

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중국 공산당 100년

한국의 정치 전문가 이문기 교수님(세종대학교 국제학부 국제통상학)을 모시고 인터뷰를 진행했습니다.

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미-중 시스템 경쟁과 탈동조화

세종연구소 중국연구센터장 이성현 박사님을 모시고 미-중 시스템 경쟁과 탈동조화에 대한 이야기를 나누었습니다. 미-중 사이에서 한국은 어떤 전략적 선택을 해야할지 모색해보고, 더불어 중국 정치의 흥미로운 상식도 알아보았습니다.

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