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Adenauer Media Leaders Academy 2025

Annual Networking Event for Scholarship Holders of the Adenauer Fellowship

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The Adenauer Media Leaders Academy (AMLA) is an exclusive, annual networking event for the fellows (current students) and alumni of the Adenauer Fellowship, the scholarship programme run by the Media Programme Asia. The event takes place once a year, to give the fellows and alumni time to meet, to exchange ideas, and to participate in workshops and group activities that are specifically prepared for them. Along with networking dinners, fellows are encouraged to interact with each other outside of their friend groups. Since the fellows are coming from various countries in Asia, we have the unique opportunity to let them exchange ideas outside of their cultural sphere.


Thomas Stehling, the first director of the KAS Media Programme Asia, from 1996 to 2001, said in an interview: “the key point is—and that’s why I started this network in the past—you are probably weak alone, but if you are together in a strong network […] of people who understand that they have common challenges and common expectations, then you can have a chance” [video interview via]. This statement applies very well to the Adenauer Media Leaders Academy, as our main goal is to bring media practitioners from various countries in Asia together to form a strong network, especially career beginners and students.


The topic of the year's Adenauer Media Leaders Academy is "The Media in an Ever Changing World".

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Ansgar Graw


Director Media Programme Asia +65 6603 6181 +65 6227 8343

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