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Artiqulate #05 – The Decade of Women | The Decade of Men

The fifth issue of our magazine "Artiqulate", produced as a flip-cover edition, focuses on the topic "The Decade of Women - The Decade of Men".

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New Publication

South Asian Print Media Crisis - Viewpoints from Seven Countries

Together with COSATT, the Media Programme Asia published the book “South Asian Print Media Crisis - Viewpoints from Seven Countries”!


ArtIQulate #03 - Artificial Intelligence

The third issue of our magazine "Artiqulate", featuring articles by our scholarship holders and journalists from Asia, focuses on the topic of "Artificial Intelligence".

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ArtIQulate #02 - Freedom of Choices

The second issue of our magazine "Artiqulate" is centred around the topic Freedom of Choice!

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ArtIQulate #04 - Climate Change

The fourth issue of our magazine "Artiqulate", which is produced with articles by our scholarship holders and journalists from Asia, is centred around the topic of climate change.

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A guide to investigative journalism

Investigative Journalism Manual

Through the IJM, we are presentin a comprehensive guide to investigative journalism as well as case studies from different parts of the world.

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The Media Programme Asia’s mission is to strengthen the dialogue between media and politics, to monitor and highlight current media trends in the region through publications and events and to support the training of journalists towards a free, ethical and responsible press.

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Media library

Air Cargo Logistics: Media Coverage of Supply Chain Disruptions

Media Coverage of Supply Chain Disruptions During the Pandemic hosted by the Media Programme Asia and Glenn Van Zutphen. Video by STAT Media.

Live-Stream zu dem Event "Xi Jinping and China's Role in a Shifting World"

Stefan Aust and Prof. Kishore Mahbubani were both invited for the debate.

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fully booked

Adenauer Media Leaders Academy 2025

Annual Networking Event for Scholarship Holders of the Adenauer Fellowship

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