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Expert panel

Xi Jinping and China's Role in a Shifting World

Stefan Aust and Prof. Kishore Mahbubani will discuss "Xi Jinping and China's role in a changing world" during the KAS Media Programme Asia's live event.

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Stefan Aust, currently publisher of "Die WELT", and former editor-in-chief of Germany's leading news magazine "Der Spiegel", and Prof. Kishore Mahbubani, Singapore’s former Ambassador to the United Nations and President of the UN Security Council, bestseller author, former Dean and currently Distinguished Fellow at the Asia Research Institute at National University of Singapore will discuss on the topic "Xi Jinping and China's Role in a Shifting World".

Stefan Aust's newest book is a biography on China's president Xi Jinping. In October, Stefan Aust and his co-author Adrian Geiges were invited by the Confucius Institute to present their book about "Xi Jinping: The Most Powerful Man In The World" at two German universities. Both events were cancelled at the last minute, after a Chinese consulate intervened.

Kishore Mahbubani has written several best-selling books and was an early commentator on the rise of Asia and China in particular. His latest work asks the question, "Has China won?" It is also available in German translation ("Hat China schon gewonnen? Chinas Aufstieg zur neuen Supermacht").

The event will take place on Monday, November 22nd 2021, 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM SGT, at the Jurong Ballroom of the Shangri-La Hotel, 22 Orange Grove Road, Singapore 258350, and will be live streamed on our facebook page

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Ansgar Graw


Director Media Programme Asia +65 6603 6181 +65 6227 8343

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