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Book presentation

Political communication: Presentation of power or power of presentation?

Panel discussion and presentation of the handbook „Political communication management“

The Media Program of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung will publicly present the handbook „Political communication management“ in a debate.

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The new volume in Serbian language is meant to boost the professionalization of political communication not only in Serbia but in the whole region of the West Balkans too. It includes contributions from the German language scholarship on framework conditions, fundamentals and strategic concepts of political communication. The KAS-Handbook which is published by Ansgar Zerfaß and Miroljub Radojkovic supports therefore one of the main goals of the Media Program South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, i. e. the encouragement of a professional, value-oriented communication between citizens, politicians and the civil society.

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Belgrade, „Aeroklub“, Uzun Mirkova 4/2


Presentation of power or power of presentation?: Panel and presentation of the handbook “Political Communication Management”
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Matthias Barner

Matthias Barner bild

Director United Kingdom and Ireland +44 20 783441-19