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Event reports

Presentation of power or power of presentation?

by Matthias Barner

Panel and presentation of the handbook “Political Communication Management”

The Media Program South East Europe of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation introduced the new handbook to the public during a symposium in Belgrade’s “Aeroclub”. Communication experts and journalists from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the USA discussed about the state of political communication in the countries of the Western Balkans and its perspectives.

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At the beginning of the events the editors, Professor Ansgar Zerfaß (Universtity of Leipzig) and professor Miroljub Radkovic (University of Belgrade) spoke about the contents and the goals of the new book. It is supposed to contribute to the progress of professionalization of political communication not only in Serbia, but in the whole region of the Western Balkans. It should provide fresh impetus in the specialized discussion circles and new ideas for the education and further qualification of the communication responsibles. The approximately 360 pages book in Serbian language includes selected contributions from the German language research about conditions, fundamentals and strategic concepts of political communication. Among the authors one can recognize some of the most well-known German speaking communication and political scientists like Ulrich Sarcinelli, Winfried Schulz, Otfried Jarren, Hanspeter Kriesi, Sigrid Baringhorst und Gerd Langguth.

This presentation is part of the intensive cooperation between the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the two Universities in Germany and in Serbia. With the beginning of the academic year 2011/2012 the Media Program of KAS and the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Belgrade launched the second series of lectures by guest professors on political communication, including a workshop. The participants will be students of journalism and political sciences.

Qualification of journalists, strengthening of media freedom and pluralism and professionalization of political communication represent the three pillars of the project work of the KAS Media Program South East Europe.

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Single title
October 17, 2011
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