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About us

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Welcome to the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung!

Freedom, justice and solidarity are the basic principles underlying the work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS). The KAS is a political foundation, closely associated with the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU). As co-founder of the CDU and the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Konrad Adenauer (1876-1967) united Christian-social, conservative and liberal traditions. His name is synonymous with the democratic reconstruction of Germany, the firm alignment of foreign policy with the trans-Atlantic community of values, the vision of a unified Europe and an orientation towards the social market economy. His intellectual heritage continues to serve both as our aim as well as our obligation today.

Through civic education activities in Germany and in over 120 countries we want to make a contribution to get closer to a world of peace, freedom and justice. The promotion of democracy, the intensification of the transatlantic relationship and development cooperation are our major goals. As a think tank and advisory agency we elaborate profound analysis to guide political action.


Multilateral Dialogue Geneva

In May 2019 the Multilateral Dialogue was established in Geneva. The Geneva office wants to be a place for networking between partners and experts from the worldwide network of the KAS and the organizations located in Geneva. Although the KAS office accompanies the whole range of issues which are dealt with in Geneva, the focus of our work is on the following themes:

  • Trade
  • Global Health
  • Migration
  • Human Rights
  • Digital Affairs
  • Peace and Security

The Multilateral Dialogue Geneva thus also fulfills the function of a networking platform.

On the one hand, we organize lecture events, dialogue programs, expert talks, workshops and conferences on the above mentioned themes, thus promoting the exchange between the foundation and representatives of Geneva-based organizations and permitting the access to discussions on current issues for an interested local audience. These programs are to strengthen the flow of information and sharing between the different KAS offices, the central office in Berlin and relevant actors in Geneva.

On the other hand, we prepare reports, position papers, analyses and other information material on the work of organizations in Geneva, thus providing first hand information to experts within the global network of the foundation as well as to an interested public.

Our aim is improving the understanding for the discussions led in the Geneva-based organizations and at the same time introducing the guiding principles of the KAS into the debates and the work of the Geneva-based organizations.

As the office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Switzerland, the Geneva office also follows central events of Swiss politics.

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