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Online seminar

Preparing for the future – building a stronger global health response

Virtual exchange with EU Commissioner Stella Kyriakides

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The Geneva office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is pleased to invite you to join a virtual keynote with Stella Kyriakides, EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, followed by a moderated discussion on the EU's vision for the future of a stronger joint health emergency preparedness as we move towards the 75th World Health Assembly.

The pandemic has affected countries in different ways, but the shared global experience of the crisis offers a unique opportunity to lay the foundation to address future health crises. The EU has consistently advocated for significant reforms to the global health system, including a pandemic accord and sustainable funding for a stronger, more independent WHO.

Join us for the exchange "Preparing for the future – building a stronger global health response" with the EU Commissioner, moderated by Professor Ilona Kickbusch. Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group at the German Bundestag, Hermann Gröhe will provide opening remarks.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions via Zoom's Q&A feature.



Register via this link.


Opening Remarks

Hermann Gröhe, former Federal Minister of Health, Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group at the German Bundestag

Keynote Speaker

Stella Kyriakides, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, European Commission

Moderatorated Exchange

Ilona Kickbusch, Founder and Chair of the International Advisory Board, Global Health Centre

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Online Event via Zoom


  • Hermann Gröhe
    • former Federal Minister of Health
    • Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group at the German Bundestag
  • Stella Kyriakides
    • European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety
    • European Commission
  • Ilona Kickbusch
    • Founder and Chair of the International Advisory Board
    • Global Health Centre

Dr. Olaf Wientzek

Olaf Wientzek bild

Director of the Multinational Development Policy Dialogue Brussels +32 2 669 31 70