Votes on Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine on 24 February 2025 in UN General Assembly and UN Security Council - Multilateral Dialogue Geneva
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Map of the Month
Votes on Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine on 24 February 2025 in UN General Assembly and UN Security Council
Sarah Ultes
Map of the Month 02/205
Three years after Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the UN General Assembly had to vote on two different resolutions instead of a single text on 24 February 2025. The first resolution (L.10) was tabled by Ukraine and European countries and was largely based on a resolution with agreed language dating back to February 2023. Back then it was adopted by a large majority of 141 votes in favour, 7 against and 32 abstentions. The resolution that has now been submitted, however, was only adopted with 93 votes in favour, 18 against and 65 abstentions. For the first time, the USA also voted against the text and even introduced an alternative text (L.11), which omitted mention of Russian aggression. This meant a fundamental shift of position. The US-submitted resolution was also adopted in the General Assembly, but only in an amended form, as three European amendments were adopted. On the other hand, the USA pushed through its original version of the text in the UN Security Council just a few hours later. The European amendments were not taken on board. They were either outvoted or rejected by a Russian veto. The maps provide an insight into the votes on the respective resolutions as well as the European and Russian amendments.
The "Map of the Month", a new series of the Multilateral Dialogue Geneva of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, uses maps to illustrate global trends and the role of Germany and Europe in the world on a monthly basis.