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Vienna Dialogue on Climate and Security

Launch of a new format: A conference established by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Multilateral Dialogue Vienna on Climate and Security

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The 'Vienna Dialogue on Climate and Security' will take place on October 20th. A new format, established by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Multilateral Dialogue, to offer an open, continuous platform for dialogue on the nexus between climate change and increasing risks towards security.



Panel 1: Climate change as a driver for innovation

Climate change can be a chance to change societal and industrial behavior. The development of coping mechanisms will mitigate the risks inherent to this environmental situation. Identified economic efficiencies, supported by research findings, will help achieving a careful approach to a sustainable use of natural resources.

Every crisis provides an opportunity to re-think established procedures, structures and modalities. Since the climate crisis is a border-crossing phenomenon, it is also likely to be more sustainable when identifying these opportunities internationally. How can research findings support this endeavor? Which lessons can be learnt from the private sector? What are the limits of individual states to cope with the crisis and where is (more) cooperation needed? Are epidemic situations becoming the new normal?

Panel 2: How can science support political action?

Research findings are the basis for rational action. With political and economical interests often being strong partners, both require international security and stability. Boosting co-operation between all three – private sector, governments and research institutions – can result in cross-effects that contribute to international security.

Several states and international organizations have been working on the prevention of climate change. Which experienced have they made in dealing with climate-induced conflicts and catastrophes, and the prevention of the same? What are realistically the immediate and long-term effects of changing weather conditions on peaceful coexistence? Which coping mechanisms can be developed that address both, the individual security of each citizen and the political and economic interest of states? And in which areas is more research needed to come up with evidence-based conclusions?

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1010 Wien


Vienna Dialogue on Climate and Security: Launch of a new format: A conference established by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Multilateral Dialogue Vienna on Climate and Security
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Brigitte Krech

Brigitte Krech

Policy Adviser +43 1 890 1465 13

Asset Publisher

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