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Criteria for Investments of German SMEs in Foreign Countries

by Michael Fuchs
Strengthening the economy, creating growth and promoting foreign investment have been core goals of Myanmar’s new government. However, special political framework conditions contribute to difficulties in implementing these policies.

Asset Publisher

While there is no doubt that Myanmar offers a great deal of economic opportunities, observers agree that there is a lot of room for improvement and supporting political measures such as the new Investment Law, enacted to encourage local and foreign investments to create new jobs, have yet to kick in.

German businesses have long played an important role as investors worldwide and particularly in Asia with small and medium-sized enterprises being special drivers. Therefore, the Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung Ltd. (Myanmar Representative Office), has asked one of Germany's foremost experts on business investments abroad to share his experiences and recommendations on the subject.

Dr. Michael Fuchs has extensive experience as entrepreneur and was elected four times to the German parliament, the "Bundestag" between 2002 and 2017. There, he held the position of Deputy Floor Leader of the governing party CDU/CSU. In the context of his entrepreneurial activities he quickly became engaged in economic and trade policy and soon held a range of high-level positions in different associations such as President of the Federation of German Wholesale and Foreign Trade (BGA) between 1992 and 2001 as well as Vice-President of the Federation of European Wholesale and International Trade Associations (FEWITA). This publication is also based on personal experiences of the author which he made during his first visit to Myanmar in July 2017.

The book is available free of charge in a bilingual English-Burmese version at the KAS office in Yangon.

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