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Government of Namibia

Single title

The Harambee Prosperity Plan II

Republic of Namibia Action Plan of the Namibian Government Towards Economic Recovery and Inclusive Growth

The Harambee Prosperity Plan II (covering the period 2021-2025) builds on the solid foundation of the inaugural HPP 2016-2020. It continues to prioritise the implementation of targeted policy programmes in order to enhance service delivery, contribute to economic recovery and engender inclusive growth. HPPII aims to ensure Namibia is poised to respond to domestic socioeconomic challenges and global opportunities, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The HPP Pillars remain firmly anchored on the construct of an inclusive Namibian House, built on the solid foundation of peace, stability and the rule of law.

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The Harambee Prosperity Plan II © Government of Namibia
The Harambee Prosperity Plan II
After the first part of the Harambee Prosperity Plan (HPP), launched in 2016 and lasting till 2020, President Hage Geingonb introduced the second part (HPP II) on March 18, 2021, covering the period from 2021 to 2025. The plan aims at implementing policy programs which enhance service delivery, economic recovery such as inclusive growth and to strengthen Namibia in terms of socioeconomic challenges and preparing it for global opportunities in relation with the Covid-19 pandemic

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