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Evaluating the German Elections Results

How did Germany vote 2025? – A KAS Nordics Roundtable

The coalition of Social Democrats (SPD), Free Democrats (FDP) and Greens ruling Germany since 2021 collapsed in November 2024. With the election results now in, it is time to consider the possible coalition constellations, tease apart the key themes driving voters, and to analyse possible shifts in voting behaviour. Germany is the EU´s largest economy and most influential member state. For the Nordic countries, it is a key partner in trade and security politics. Thus, the outcomes matter not only for the German population and the country´s economy but also for the future of the European Union, Ukraine, and Northern Europe. To evaluate and discuss the outcome and its consequences for Northern Europe and the EU, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung-Nordic countries invites you to a roundtable discussion.

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Regional Programme Nordic Countries
Blasieholmsgatan 2A,
111 48 Stockholm
Zur Webseite



  • Dr. Viola Neu
    • Deputy Head of Division Analysis and Consulting
    • Head of Department Electoral and Social Research

Charlotte Storch

Charlotte Storch

Project Coordinator and Research Associate 0046 8 6117000

Christine Leuchtenmüller

Christine Leuchtenmüller bild

Head of Regional Programme Nordic Countries +49 0151 18828623