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KAS/Dejan Kuzmanovski

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Analysis of public opinion on North Macedonia’s accession to the European Union (2014-2020)

Public Opinion Analysis Paper No.01/2021

The support for North Macedonia’s European Union (EU) membership and its process of accession has been a subject of numerous public opinion surveys. However, most of these surveys have been conducted on an ad hoc basis and they have rarely been framed in a longitudinal and consistent methodological framework.

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There is an obvious lack of unified data bases that would offer repetitive public opinion research which would measure public attitudes through a generalized and coherent methodological framework across multi-year time periods. With a view to filling this gap, the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” - Skopje and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in 2014 initiated the establishment of a longitudinal database about the public support for the EU accession process and North Macedonia’s EU membership which would be effectuated through annual public opinion surveys based on a coherent methodology and measurement of identical questions. This database focuses on two dimensions of public opinion on the Macedonian EU accession process which are addressed in every annual survey, and whose measurement is obtained by utilization of identical batteries of survey questions. The first dimension seeks to determine the general trends of public support for North Macedonia’s EU membership. 


You can download the full report here.

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Daniel Braun

Daniel Braun

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March 3, 2021
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