Cathedra Adenauer is a scientific and educational platform where students, experts and academics discuss and share their views on current topics related to the EU and the future enlargement of the Union.
The first lecture under the title “EU after the Russian Invasion - New Potential for Accelerated Accession Process of the Western Balkans?” was held at the University of St. Clement of Ohrid in Bitola on 05.04.2022.
The event was opened by Davor Pasoski from the Konrad Adenuer Foundation, and Katerina Jakimovska from the WMCES, who outlined the topic, and its relevance for current discussion related to the EU enlargement and the developments in the Western Balkans. The Mayor of the city of Bitola, Toni Konjanovski welcomed the organization of the event, which was followed by the messages of the Rector of the University in Bitola, Saso Korunoski. The discussion was moderated by Vasko Naumovski, Professor at the Faculty of Law "Iustinianus Primus" – Skopje who elaborated on different aspects the topic. Goran Ilikj, Proffesor at the Faculty of Law in Bitola discussed the legal aspects of the crisis, its influence on the international legal concepts, and the EU enlargement difficulties today. Marjan Gjurovski, Professor at the Faculty of Security shared his position on the Russian influence in the Balkan countries, the need for appropriate response and the bilateral relations among the countries in the region. Jovan Andonovski, Professor at the University in Stip presented the most important principles of the EU common foreign and security policy, the role of Europe in the world today, and its relations with the Russian Federation. Kiril Minoski, former Minister of Finance in relation with the topic, presented the latest data on number of financial indicators and the possible scenarios in the forthcoming period.
The discussion was followed by questions and comments from the students and other experts present at the event.
The Second lecture under the title “Security, Trade and International Law - Possible Influence from the Russian Aggression on Ukraine” was organized on 13 April at the Faculty of Law at the University "Goce Delchev" in Stip.
In the opening remarks of the event Daniel Braun, official representative of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation emphasized the importance of the topic in light of the latest developments, especially the consequences of the war for the Balkans, and the EU enlargement process. According to Braun, the European Union should strengthen militarily, but also should be more efficient in the enlargement process. As he pointed out, this means on the one hand the EU should be faster and more efficient in starting accession negotiations, but at the same time all EU members should be aware that at the moment the Union has more important issues, than some bilateral disputes. He emphasized that the bilateral disputes should be resolved within the EU and not to be used as obstacles for the accession process.
This was followed-up by Dimitar Lilkov, representative of the WMCES, and Olga Koshevaliska, Dean of the Faculty of Law in Stip, who discussed the legal aspects and the importance of international law. The Mayor of the city of Stip, Ivan Jordanov welcomed the panelists and the students attending the event. Moderator of the discussion was again Vasko Naumovski, who gave an overview of the topic, introducing the main aspects of the discussion. Dejan Marolov, Professor at the University of Stip shared his view on the current stage of the European integration process on the Balkans, the position of the countries towards the Russian-Ukrainian relations, and presented several possible scenarios for the forthcoming period. Metodi Hadji-Janev, Professor at the Military Academy presented the military aspects of the crisis, the role of NATO in the situation, and the possible outcomes. Professor Jovan Andonovski talked about the importance of the international human rights conventions, and the current humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Former Finance Minister Kiril Minoski gave a presentation on the latest economic and financial trends, and the influence of the war for the European and global economies.
Also at this event, students, media representatives and other present experts had the opportunity to share their views on the topics.