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Research paper on Saudi-Palestinian relations

Call for Submissions: Submit your proposal now

KAS is looking for a researcher to draft a paper addressing the main dimensions and key drivers for Saudi Arabia’s engagement with Palestine.

IMAGO / Xinhua

The Beijing Declaration: Palestinian truce or Chinese PR stunt?

An initial assessment of the Beijing Declaration between Hamas and Fatah, its background and possible implications

Palestinian factions, including rivals Hamas and Fatah, declared their willingness in Beijing in July to “end divisions and strengthen Palestinian unity” following reconciliation talks hosted by China in the latest attempt to resolve the long-standing Palestinian rivalry. Similar agreements have failed in the past, damping the prospects of success. Nevertheless, bringing together 14 Palestinian factions to agree on a common framework during times of war can be considered a diplomatic achievement – not least for the host of the mediations, the People’s Republic of China.

Expert discussion: KAS-PSR discuss findings of Public Opinion Poll No. 92

More than 60% report losing family members in Gaza

On June 12, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Palestinian Territories in cooperation with the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research presented the findings of the 92nd joint Public Opinion Poll at the foundation’s office in Ramallah.

Expert discussion: KAS-PSR discuss findings of Public Opinion Poll No. 91

Humanitarian conditions in Gaza worsen, support for Hamas declines

On March 20, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Palestinian Territories in cooperation with the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research presented the findings of the 91st joint Public Opinion Poll at the foundation’s office in Ramallah.

Vince Musi / The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

30 years of the Oslo Accords 

Will there be a new upheaval in the Middle East Conflict? 

30 years after the historic handshake between Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat in the garden of the White House in Washington, D.C., the peace process has come to a standstill; the political majorities in Israel and an escalating spiral of violence in the Palestinian Territories put hope of a diplomatic solution with two coexisting states into the distant future. Rather, after 30 years of the Oslo system, the question arises: How much longer will these agreements be viable? 

Saher Elghorra/TheNews2/imago images

In the crossfire: Without perspective in the midst of nationalist-religious violence

The Situation of Christians in the Palestinian Territories

Christians in the Palestinian Territories live a life between all fronts: Fundamentalist Islamic forces on the one hand and Jewish extremists on the other make life difficult for them. In addition, there is a lack of economic prospects and a rigorous Israeli occupation policy. So, many Christian Palestinians are leaving their home. But with their institutions, they are an important socio-economic factor and a central part of the Palestinian community.

The Palestinian territories in the face of Israel's new ultra-right government

The new Israeli government and its agenda in the West Bank

The changes for Palestinians under the new government of Benjamin Netanyahu and his ultra-right alliance became apparent within days after taking office: The visit of Israel's new Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, to the Haram al-Sharif / Temple Mount was a signal that the course of the new ultra-right government denies the Palestinian population any territorial rights. Settlement construction in the Palestinian territories is not only to continue, but to be significantly expanded. These measures are being met by an increasingly frustrated Palestinian population having no real prospects for the future, while violence is on the rise.

Jordan and the Palestinian cause

An analysis of contemporary foreign and domestic political dimensions

This report provides an integrated analysis of foreign and domestic political factors and developments that have shaped Jordan’s contemporary stance towards the Palestinian cause. This report is the second case study of a wider research series by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS) Office in the Palestinian Territories that re-assesses the place the Palestinian cause holds within the Arab world more than a decade after the Arab Spring. / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 4.0

Lokalwahlen im Westjordanland

Im Westjordanland fanden am 26. März 2022 Lokalwahlen in den größten Städten und Gemeinden statt

Über 715.000 Palästinenserinnen und Palästinenser waren aufgerufen, ihre Gemeinderäte und Stadtparlamente zu wählen. Knapp 54 Prozent machten von ihrer Wahlmöglichkeit Gebrauch. Im Gaza-Streifen wurde hingegen aufgrund eines Boykotts der dort regierenden Hamas nicht gewählt. Die Wahlen im Westjordanland ließen nach langer Zeit einen Hauch von demokratischer Teilhabe erahnen. Sie täuschen jedoch nicht darüber hinweg, dass das politische System in den Palästinensischen Gebieten weiterhin autoritär geführt wird.

Flickr / Agnóstico Fotográfico / CC by 2.0

Ein Sicherheitsapparat ohne Gewaltmonopol

Die Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde (PA) steht in enger Sicherheitskooperation mit dem israelischen Militär.

Doch in der palästinensischen Gesellschaft verliert die PA zunehmend an Vertrauen, denn die Sicherheitskooperation scheint vorrangig der Sicherheit Israels und dem Machterhalt der PA mehr zu dienen als dem Schutz der palästinensischen Bevölkerung. Innerhalb der Palästinensischen Gebiete kann die PA zudem nur unzureichend für Recht und Ordnung sorgen. Der Umgang mit den Sicherheitsfragen im Westjordanland wird daher zum Machtfaktor und könnte den politischen Prozess in eine neue Richtung lenken.