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The visitors were especially interested in the situation in the divided city of Jerusalem. The increasing Israeli settlement activities in the Palestinian part of the city, as well as the construction of the separation barrier around Jerusalem and the ensuing consequences for Arab citizens, were vividly explained to the delegation in the course of several meetings with different local NGOs, as well as through a briefing by the Negotiations Support Unit (NSU) of the PLO.
Furthermore, the German parliamentarians concerned themselves with the difficult situation in Hebron, where ca. 600 settlers live among ca. 120.000 Palestinians. The members of the delegation were briefed by the Israeli NGO “Breaking the Silence”, an association of former Israeli soldiers, who were based in Hebron during their army service and now aim at informing about the situation in the city. In the course of an on-site visit, the parliamentarians could get an idea of the situation of the Palestinian living in Hebron.