Symposium Programme
09:00 ‒ 09:15Registration
09:15 ‒ 09:40Opening Session
Jamil Salem: Director of the Institute of Law (IoL)
Mahmoud Alawneh: Director of the IoL Legislative Support Unit
09:45 ‒ 10:45
First Session: Regulation of Public Rights and Freedoms between Domestic Norms and International Standards
This session sheds light on the legal regulation of public rights and freedoms in the Palestinian legal system as well as in light of the regional and international standards. Presentations address regulation and background of these rights and freedoms in Palestine and explore experiences of some Arab countries, providing a comparison of patterns the regulation of public rights and freedoms in pre- and post-Arab Spring countries. In addition to introducing international standards, papers overview relevant experiences and practices of some foreign countries.
Moderator: Yasser Ammouri Rapporteur: Ala’ Hammad
The Regulation of Public Rights and Freedoms: Between Domestic Norms and International StandardsHosni ad Daqqah
Constitutional Making, Human Rights and Identity Construction in Occupied PalestineEmilio Dabed
The Freedom of Expression in Palestine: Between Regulation and RestrictionAdnan al Hajjar
10:45 ‒ 10:55Break
10:55 ‒ 11:55
Second Session: The Freedom of Expression in Palestine: Between Regulation and Restriction.
This session presents a real picture of the status of freedom of expression in Palestine. Presentations investigate mechanisms provided by Palestinian legislation to regulate the freedom of expression, explore current practices, and identify whether the Palestinian legislation regulates or restricts the freedom of expression. Additionally, talks present specialised issues, including social media networks and how effective the Palestinian legal system is in protecting the freedom of expression, particularly journalists’ right to freedom of expression. Presentations also investigate the current situation of access to information, shedding light on the media role in accessing information held by security agencies.
Moderator: Reem Al-Botmeh Rapporteur: Abeer Dirbas
The Freedom of Expression on Social Media Networks between Restricting Provisions and Space of Freedom: Is there a Legal Solution?Mahmoud Alawneh
Media Freedom in Palestine: Between Inadequate Provisions and Freedom ViolationAla’ Hammad
The Media Role in Accessing to Information Possessed by Security ServicesSama Saqf al Heit
11:55 ‒ 12:05Break
12:05 ‒ 01:20
Third Session: The Role of Formal and Informal Oversight in Protecting Public Rights and Freedoms
This session focuses on the institutional framework, which provides protection to public rights and freedoms. Presentations examine the role of bodies responsible for safeguarding and promoting these rights and freedoms in Palestine, assessing how effective and efficient their role is in the oversight of public rights and freedoms.
Moderator: Issam Abdeen Rapporteur: Sama Saqf al Heit
The Role of the Independent Commission of Human Rights (ICHR) in the Protection of Rights and FreedomsMa’an Id’eis
The Civil Society Role in Protecting Public Rights and FreedomsMohammed Abu Hashem
The Role of the Palestinian Judicial Authority and Problem of Control of the Freedom of ExpressionRazan al Barghouthi
The Impact of an Absent Oversight Role of the Palestinian Legislative Council on Public Rights and Freedoms
Hisham Awwad