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Specialist conference

Conference on Child Registration in East Jersualem

Society of St. Yves - Catholic Center for Human Rights

In continuence of our previous cooperation with the St. Yves Society this conference will focus on the issue of child registration in East Jerusalem and the importance to each child connected to this registration.

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The Society of St. Yves is a Catholic human rights organization working under the patronage of the Latin Patriarchate in Jerusalem. St. Yves as a human rights organization provides gratis legal assistance, counsel and advocacy to members of the community. Currently, the Society manages around 700 to 900 cases per year, and assists about 2000 - 4000 people. The focus of this Conference and the project it is based on is child registration in East Jerusalem. The registration of any Palestinian child from Jerusalem in the Israeli population registry provides each child with a name, identity, and existence. Registering children enables access to a wide variety of basic rights and services, and the absence of registration leads to the deprivation of such benefits, rights, and services. The current situation in East Jerusalem where family unification applications are refused, Palestinian families are not allowed to register their children in the population registry, and residencies of Jerusalemites are being revoked underlines the major need for such a project. The final report will be published.

You are kindly asked to register by contacting St. Yves offices on: 02-6264662 or 02-2747603, or by sending an email to

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Society of St. Yves, Jerusalem


Dr. Hans Maria Heyn

Logo der Society of St. Yves Jerusalem Internet