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Expert panel

Palestinian-Israeli Pulse: A Joint Poll

Press Conference

A joint project of the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in Ramallah and The Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) in Jerusalem in partnership with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and with funding from the European Union (EU).

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The Palestinian-Israeli Pulse: A Joint Poll surveyed 1270 Palestinians and 1184 Israelis focusing on the public's views on a permanent peace agreement, ability to trust and compromise with the other side, and mistrust and fear of the other.

The following issues are being examined (selection):

  • Is there support for a two-state solution?
  • Do Palestinians believe they will have a state within the next five years?
  • Does the public still back the previously negotiated peace agreement terms?
  • Whose fault is it that previous rounds of negotiations failed?
  • How do Palestinians and Israelis view each other's conditions?
  • How do Palestinians and Israelis view the status of each other's democracies?
The press conference will be held in English.

Attendance requires an invitation and pre-registration.

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The American Colony Hotel
1 Louis Vincent StreetPasha Hall,
97200 Jerusalem
Zur Webseite



  • Dr. Khalil Shikaki (PSR) and Prof. Tamar Hermann (IDI)


    Palestinian-Israeli Pulse: A Joint Poll: Low Chances for an Independent Palestinian State in the Next 5 Years
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    Bastian Schroeder

    Program Manager +972 2 240 4305 +972 2 240 4307

    Asset Publisher


    The Israel Democracy Institute (IDI)
    Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR)
    EU Peacebuilding Initiative
    Europäische Union (EU)