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Specialist conference

The Quest for Palestine Statehood: Legal, Political and Economic Implications

International Conference

The Institute of Law at Birzeit University is greatly honoured to cordially invite you to participate in the Conference on: "The Quest for Palestine Statehood: Legal, Political and Economic Implications"

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The Conference explores possible and impossible tactics and processes needed to build and proclaim the State of Palestine. To this avail, the Conference attempts to address various tools that are supposed to be effective and efficient in materialising and sustaining this long-pursued goal. These include inherent tools of international and constitutional law, politics and economy. In particular, the Conference focuses on international law from the following perspectives: (1) the general role of international organisations, as well as the specific role of the UN agencies and international courts, in furnishing support to Palestine statehood recognition; (2) the value and nature of the diplomatic recognition of emerging states (states in statu nascendi) and ensuing gains; and (3) the legal and political foundations supporting Palestine statehood.

-This conference is funded by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung- Ramallah

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Conference Hall, Institute of Law, Birzeit University.


  • John Quigley et al.


    The Quest for Palestine Statehood: Legal, Political and Economic Implications
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    Ilona-Margarita Stettner

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