Event reports
About 350 participants gathered in Birzeit and Gaza on the 28th of May to discuss and share their ideas on the impact of the internal political split on the rule of law. The simultaneous conferences organised by the KAS Ramallah and the Birzeit University Institute of Law with funding provided by the KAS Rule of Law Programme Middle East / North Africa hosted several experts on judicial, political and economic topics. Dr. Hans Maria Heyn, head of the KAS Ramallah, welcomed the participants on behalf of the KAS Rule of Law Programme based in Beirut and opened the roundtable together with IoL director Jamil Salem and the vice president of Birzeit University, Samia Halileh.
The goal of the one-day colloquium was the evaluation of current affairs and discrepancies within the justice system and the elaboration of recommendations for the respective protagonists. In light of the ongoing reconciliation effort between Fatah and Hamas, all lecturers agreed upon the fact that only a lasting agreement would provide the solid base for a functioning judiciary system.