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Book presentation

Book Launch- Labour Migration in South Asia- Issues and Concerns

Consortium of South Asian Think Tanks

The Consortium of South Asian Think Tanks (COSATT), in partnership with the Institute of National Security Studies under the Ministry of Defence, Colombo, is hosting the launch of its latest publication, Labour Migration in South Asia.

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This comprehensive book delves into the complex dynamics of labour migration across South Asia, examining key challenges, policy responses, and the socio-economic impact on both sending and receiving countries in the region.

The launch will feature presentations by distinguished contributors, followed by a panel discussion with experts in migration policy, economic development, and regional cooperation. Join us to gain valuable insights into the trends and policy recommendations that address the realities of labour migration, fostering inclusive development across South Asia.

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16/3 Senanayake Avenue Nawala,
Sri Lanka



Megha Sarmah

Megha Sarmah

Programme Manager, Agenda 2030 +65 6603 6165

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