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Specialist conference

Strong Cities 2030: Conference 2022

Circular economy and decarbonization in the transport and building sector

The KAS brings together experts from 12 different countries from the global Strong Cities 2030 network in Singapore from October 17-19, 2022 in order to enable a dialogue on circular economy and decarbonization in the transport and building sector between people with perspectives from different regions.

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Climate change and sudden shocks such as the COVID-19 pandemic with their negative impact on fragile supply chains urge the question about how economic development can be further decoupled from usage of non-renewable resources. This has also consequences at the local level. Big metropolitan areas, but also smaller cities, are striving for strategies on how to deal with these challenges that have an impact on recent plans to achieve SDG 11 and to fulfill the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate Protection.

During this 3-day event, participants will take an active role and contribute to the program by sharing their expertise. The conference will consist of input by the participants in form of short presentations and during workshop sessions. We want to share solutions and experiences on the efficient use of scarce resources in cities and to discuss possibilities of deepening cooperation between cities worldwide.

Strong Cities 2030 is an initiative of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung that aims to enhance sustainable development by building capacity, fostering exchange of knowledge and experiences as well as facilitating international collaboration amongst the SC2030-network.

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Dr. Christian Hübner


Artificial Intelligence +49 30 26996 3264

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