Asset Publisher

Event reports

Increasing the safety of the probation counsellors’ activity

by Thorsten Geißler
During this event the participants improved their skills for situations of risk and conflict of interests. The participants from Croatia, Romania and the Republic of Moldova were informed about how to de-escalate difficult situations. Thorsten Geissler, head of RLP SEE, underlined the importance of the probationers work, its social responsibility and needed qualifications.

Asset Publisher

September 10 - 19, 2014
Bucharest, Romania
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Asset Publisher

About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Romania Romania