Asset Publisher

Study and information programme

Local government and proactive publishing of data


The main objective of this project is to enhance the level of openness and transparency of local units of government in Croatia and to develop guidelines on proactive publishing of data in the format of a user friendly guide book/toolkit.

Asset Publisher


The final event within the project takes place in Zagreb on the 8th of December 2015.

The specific objectives of this project are:

Increase the level of openness and transparency of local government through developing standards for proactive publishing of data on official websites.

Development of tailor-made hand book for local elected officials and local civil servants on proactive publishing of data on official websites.

Follow-up activity of the "LOTUS 2014" research which will have been conducted and finished in November 2014.

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Zagreb, Croatia


Die proaktive Veröffentlichung von Informationen - Herausforderungen und Chancen für die Kommunalverwaltung: Konferenz
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Evelyn Klöss