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Specialist conference

NGO Involvement in the Consolidation of the General Anti-corruption Policy in Romania - Preventive measures


The RLP SEE of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with the Center for Legal Ressources organize a round-table debate on the project of the new National Anti-corruption Strategy of the Romanian Ministry of Justice.

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Along with the new National Anti-corruption Strategy, another starting point fo the discussions will be the study of several Romanian NGOs on ANTI-CORRUPTION SOLUTIONS, ACTIONS AND MEASURES - Priorities Identified by Non-Governmental Organizations. The study can be accessed on this webpage.

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Howard Johnson Hotel Bucharest, Arizona Conference Room


  • Representatives of Romanian NGOs that focus on the fight anti-corruption
    • representatives of the Romanian Ministry of Justice


      Die Nationale Antikorruptionsstrategie: Ziele und Präventionsmaßnahmen
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      Corina Rebegea

      Corina Rebegea bild

      Project coordinator, Rule of Law Program South East Europe +40 21 302 02 63 +40 21 326 04 07

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      Justizministerium (Rumänien)
      Centrul de Resurse Juridice (Rumänien)