The EU has been hit by different “existential” crises over time, but there is one persistent threat in Central and Eastern European countries that is growing and spreading its roots. Upholding democratic values and the rule of law, the very core of the EU, has become a difficult task for the civil society in Poland, Hungary and Romania. Propaganda, nationalistic attitudes expressed by government officials, controversial reforms, political capture of the media and judiciary have left the EU with very few responses and solutions.
What are the main protection instruments when EU values are in danger? Is art.7 TEU an effective mechanism? Should corruption and rule of law be monitored in all member states? How to strengthen the rule of law in EU member states? What is the role of citizens in upholding democracy and the rule of law in their societies?
These are just a few issues that will be addressed in this year's debate. In the search for plausible answers, the following experts will assist us:
Dr. Malte Hauschild (Director, European affairs - Rule of law department, Ministry of Economic affairs and Energy, Federal Government of Germany), Mikolaj Czesnik (Sociologist and Political Scientist, Board Member of the Stefan Batory Foundation, Poland), Zsolt Szabo (Professor, National University of Public Service, Hungary), Laura Ștefan (Coordinator, Anti-corruption Activities, Expert Forum Romania).
This panel will be moderated by Hartmut Rank (Director of the Rule of Law Programme South-East Europe, Konrad Adenauer Foundation) and Mihaela Popa (Affiliated expert, Europuls).
More details on EUROSFAT forum 2018 and the registration form are available on the official webpage of the event: