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Leaders for Justice

Leadership Program for Romanian Junior Jurists


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The Rule of Law Program South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung together with Dan Stoica, Vice-President of SoJust, announces the start of its Leadership Program for Romanian Junior Jurists – Leaders for Justice (Lideri pentru Justiţie).

Application process: 22 October – 20 November 2009

The application is open to Romanian law students (in their last year of university studies), as well as postgraduate and doctoral students and young legal professionals in the first two years of their career.

Please send your application in English to by November 20, 2009.

We will select 20 young and future jurists with leadership potential.

  • Include in your application package:
    • your curriculum vitae;
    • a one-page letter of motivation;
    • a two-page essay: “My first 90 days as Romanian Minister of Justice”.
All of these must be submitted in English and should be written in Times New Roman 12 pt, single-spaced.

Selection of participants: November 2009 – January 2010

will consist of three rounds:

  • pre-selection based on your written applications,
  • interviews of candidates selected in the first round,
  • assessment center.
If you haven’t heard from us by December 10, it means your application was not successful.

Final communication of results: 15 February 2010

  • Congratulations, you will now be part of a unique leadership program!
Welcoming conference: March 2010

  • We will welcome you to the opening conference in Bucharest when you can meet some of the most important persons dealing with the justice system in Romania.
Training sessions: March – August 2010

  • Six training sessions will take place over six weekends with legal experts, role-models, and foreign guests who will become your gateway to becoming leaders. We will take you to a mountain resort, where you can enjoy the company of your fellow-participants and the knowledge and experience of your tutors in an exciting setting. We will provide you not only with professionals who will be at your disposal for questions, discussions, and proposals, but also readers, books, and important professional contacts.
  • In addition to the program described above, you will be invited to all conferences and seminars organized by the Rule of Law Program South East Europe in Romania.
  • At the end of the program, you will demonstrate your leadership skills by developing your own project. If your participation and commitment are among the highest, it is most likely that an attractive internship will come your way.
  • As commitment and integrity are the watchwords of the program, we will require you to take part in all of the sessions.
For a short narrative of the project, see below:

  • The primary goal of the leadership program is the creation of a pool of young individuals who understand the importance of values and integrity, and who are ready to take the lead in promoting rule of law principles and enforce them through their work.
  • The project’s objectives are to train talented junior jurists to become leaders in their field, to equip them with essential leadership skills, project management abilities, as well as substantive knowledge about democracy, rule of law, justice and especially professional ethics. They will also be involved in individual and group projects in order for them to have a practical understanding of what being a leader means.
  • The target group of this program is made of 20 law students in their last year of university studies, master or doctoral law students, and recent law graduates in the first two years of their professional career, who prove leadership potential. The participants, coming from all over Romania, need to be genuinely interested and committed to play a pro-active role in the evolutions in the legal and socio-political system of Romania.
  • The activities envisaged by the project will comprise three main components: learning, seeing and doing. Each of these components focuses on the development of key abilities foreseen for the participants in the program. The program consists of six training sessions throughout 2010, meetings with experts, seminars, project development and internships.
  • The training sessions are:
    • How to plan justice: a tough decision to make,
    • Is the morality of law a matter of persuasion?,
    • The vision of humanity: a critical perspective,
    • I dream! I inspire! I trust!,
    • Writing. Supervision. Mentorship,
    • Learning from past to build the future.
  • The main result of the leadership program will be the sustained training and support of 20 young jurists. We envisage an attitudinal and behavioral change of the participants, whom we expect to develop leadership skills, capabilities and modes of action, and thus become agents of change. The participants shall serve as multipliers and pass on their experience to a wider spectrum of young legal professionals. Through this, they are expected to create a national network of young legal professionals, and to contribute to the strengthening of civil society organizations in the field.


Application form >> download; pdf (678KB)


Rule of Law Program South East Europe


Str. Plantelor nr. 50

Sector 2

RO-023971 Bucharest


Phone +40 21 3233126

Fax +40 21 3260407


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Corina Rebegea

Corina Rebegea bild

Project coordinator, Rule of Law Program South East Europe +40 21 302 02 63 +40 21 326 04 07

Doru Toma

Doru Toma bild

Project Coordinator +40 21 302 02 63 +40 21 323 31 27
April 15 - 18, 2010
Sinaia, Romania
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March 3, 2010
Athénée Palace Hilton, Le Diplomate Ballroom, Bucharest, Romania
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March 04 - 07, 2010
Sibiel, Romania
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March 3, 2010
Athénée Palace Hilton, Le Diplomate Ballroom, Bucharest, Romania
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Leaders for Justice

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Kanzlei Stoica & Asociatii (Rumänien)
Stalfort Rechtsanwälte