One World Romania 2010 - Choose to care! / Alege să-ţi pese!
The One World Romania Documentary Film Festival on Human Rights will be held March 17th – 22nd at its 3-rd edition in Bucharest. Created in the first 2 years by the Czech Centre, in 2010 the festival will be organized by the newly founded ONE WORLD ROMANIA association together with the Czech Centre Bucharest.
The opening event will be held at the Romanian Athenaeum, on the 17th of March, starting 7 pm. with a festival inauguration, presentation and a concert of the Romanian band Urma.
The patronage is traditionally held by Václav Havel, the former President of the Czech Republic. With this new edition of the festival, we stick to our goal: to bring many relevant topics presented in high quality documentary films to as many young people as possible. This way we hope that we can help build an active and participating community under the motto CHOOSE TO CARE.
One World Romania 2010 will bring about 35 new, award-winning documentaries, in 4 cinemas: Cinema Eforie, Cinema Union, Cinema Elvira Popescu and The New Romanian Film Cinema (cultural project of the Romanian Peasant Museum).
In an effort to be more focused on current issues, each festival was structured into several sections addressing topics such as David vs. Goliath, Global Workers, Square Circles, Training Our Memory, Growing Up and Objection, Your Honor!
Every year, the festival becomes more focused on dialogue to promote the idea of active and engaged community. Each screening will be followed by a discussion with international and Romanian guests – film directors, specialists and activists.
From the beginning, an important part of the efforts have been the Special screenings with a strong focus on debate. Until now, they have been at the Czech Centre, but due to the limited space and big interest of public, this year the special evenings will be moved at The New Romanian Film Cinema. Also, topics as Revolutions Online (Iranian revolution), Trials of The Hague International Court of Justice, Exploitation of the image of suffering in Congo, Situatian of Romanian Imigrants and Beginning and extention of the capitalism in Romania and Moldova Republic will be debated.
Parallel with the screenings from the cinemas, there will be other side events, probably most important of all being the Fair Trade Corner, besides the already traditional concert and photo exhibitions. We also decided in continuing the successful workshop on documentary production from last year
The Fair Trade Corner at the Czech Centre aims to form a thorough understanding of the concept, supporting organizations and impact that fair trade has on the communities engaged in the movement. In exchange for a donation, people can obtain different fair trade products from around the world, and all proceeds are sent directely to the producers.