The fifth edition of the International Human Rights Film Festival One World Romania will take place in Bucharest between the 13th and 18th of March. This year, we will present 50 films in 6 days. We believe that a good documentary can not only slice up a bit o reality, but it can also sharpen our senses and help us see better. So, in 2012, sharpen your view!
The 50 documentaries are divided in 8 categories:
- Online revolutions
- Between fear and freedom
- More pain - no gain
- Growing up - growing old
- Washing our dirty laundry
- Identity check
- Justice - butt naked
- Activism is stupid?
- Albania special
- Jennifer Fox retrospective
The opening gala will take place on the 13th of March at Scala Cinema.
Created in the first 2 years by the Czech Centre, starting with the 2010 edition the festival is organized by the One World Romania Association wth the support of multiple.
Like in the past editions, the festival aims at the same goals: to present as many relevant themes as possible, through quality films, to reach as many young people as possible and therefore to help create an active community, willing to know and to get involved into solving problems that others face.
Every year, the festival becomes more focused on dialogue to promote the idea of active and engaged community. Each screening will be followed by a discussion with international and Romanian guests – film directors, specialists and activists.
Between March 13-18 you are invited to reflect, watch and debate on the human rights issue and what does it still mean nowadays. Like last years, each film is followed by a debate with directors, producers, protagonists or Romanian and foreign specialists.
The official programme is available on the website of the festival www.oneworld.ro.