In 2015, the Festival is reaching its 8th edition. One World Romania has become an established platform for human rights debate through film. By screening creative documentary films and organizing debates around them, we present particular human rights issues in a more accessible manner for the general public and in this way we encourage social participation and contribute to the growth of the Romanian civil society.
The documentaries will be split into several thematic sections, which include: a section on "thugs" who claim just where democracy seems to have lost his compass, one about wild capitalism installed in the former communist countries, a section dedicated to delicate transition from adolescence to adulthood, etc.
Projections of the festival will be held at Cinema Studio, Cinema Elvire Popesco and Romanian Peasant Museum.
The official opening of the festival will take place on March 16 at the Cinema Pro.
More details on the documentaries, the special events and the guests of the festival can be found online on the official website at www.oneworld.ro.