Single title
The publication is inspired by the German book “Decisions of the German Constitutional Court: A Study Collection” by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schwabe. The RSP SOE edited and expanded the collection to better meet the needs of the region. It now includes about 160 decisions related to the essential fields of the German Constitution: Constitutional dogmatics, basic rights, the principles of state structure and jurisdiction (especially the compatibility of legislation with the Basic Law) and basic rights in legal procedures. In addition, the collection contains a section on the involvement in International Organizations.
The publication primarily addresses judges and research staff at the constitutional courts of the Western Balkans, but is also intended for other constitutional law experts in the region and is hoped to become a useful tool in all of the abovementioned areas. The collection offers systematic access to the decisions made under German constitutional jurisdiction, which holds a high reputation due to its quality and consistency – not just in Germany.
One more edition in this series is still pending—the translation into Serbian. The Bosnian and Macedonian editions have already been released.
The RSP SOE has presented the project to a broad audience in the Western Balkans on the 27th and 28th October 2009 at the regional Constitutional Judge Conference “Constitutional Jurisdiction in Theory and Practice”. The conference was the main project in the program’s focus on "Strengthening of the Constitutional Judiciary". The opening speech was delivered by the guest of honor, Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Hans-Jürgen Papier. Further information about the conference can be found at
The Albanian translation was presented in an expert talk in Tirana (Albania) in cooperation with the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Albania on 30 April, 2010. The subject of the talk was the independence of constitutional courts, and the main speaker was Dr. iur. Matthias Hartwig, Senior Researcher at the Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg.
Please contact us at, should you like to receive copies of the Albanian translation or are aware of institutions which might also be interested. The Bosnian, Macedonian and Serbian volume can be obtained at