60 Years German Basic Law: The German Constitution and its Court (2nd Edition) - Rule of Law Programme Asia
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60 Years German Basic Law: The German Constitution and its Court (2nd Edition)
Landmark Decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany in the Area of Fundamental Rights
The usefulness and popularity of the First Edition of “60 Years German Basic Law” have encouraged us to present a Second Edition already shortly after the first-time publication. In order to meet the high demand from many countries all over the world in the year of the German Constitutional Court’s 60th anniversary, we did not make any changes to the contents. Although we realize that we have not - by any means - exhausted the stock of decisions worthy to be displayed, we hope that this Second Edition will find favour among those who resort to it.
#11: Hannah Lim on Legal Technology in South East Asia
As Head of Rule of Law and Emerging Markets at LexisNexis in Singapore, Hannah identifies areas where LexisNexis can, leveraging on technology, support the rule of law.
#6: Lee San Natalie Pang on the General Data Protection Regulation & its influence in Southeast Asia
For the last episode of our first series “Data Protection” we go to Asia and take a closer look at the Southeast with Dr Lee San Natalie Pang, our expert on Data Protection.
#5: Ridwan Oloyede about the GDPR and its influence in African legal framework
Ridwan Oloyede is co-founder of a Nigerian start-up, that helps businesses to achieve operational excellence through the reliable and efficient application of technology.
#2: Ioana Stupariu on the GDPR's influence in South East Europe
Ioana Stupariu works with tech and healthcare start-ups and companies across Central and Eastern Europe. And she researches on Data protection & Privacy.
#1: Frederick Richter on the the EU’s GDPR and data protection worldwide
We look at the EU’s GDPR: How is data protection handled in other parts of the world? How can we establish international standards? And what will happen next?