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Country reports

Another new government in France: renewal through continuity?

by Anja Czymmeck, Max Willem Fricke, Marine Vadelorge

On 23rd December 2024 the Prime Minister François Bayrou presented his government. After the Borne, Attal and Barnier governments, it was the fourth government in France in 2024.

On 13 December 2024, Emmanuel Macron appointed François Bayrou, the leader of the Mouvement Démocrate (MoDem) party, a loyal ally of the Macron governments, as the new Prime Minister to succeed Michel Barnier in a further attempt to restore political stability in France. Bayrou's government is relying on continuity with a bourgeois-conservative cabinet and experienced figures from previous governments, but this casts doubt on its capacity for political renewal. Bayrou's centrist legacy and controversial compromises also raise questions about the coherence and strategic direction of his team. Bayrou has not succeeded in integrating the left-wing camp into a government alliance during the nominations, and the influence of the Rassemblement National on political decisions still appears to be strong. Whether his government is therefore more capable of taking action than the Barnier government remains questionable.

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The full-length publication is only available in German.

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Anja Czymmeck

Anja Czymmeck

Head of the France Office +33 156 69 15 00


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Media library

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