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Single title

Ethnicity, Human Rights and Constitutionalism in Africa

Following the, in parts ethnic, post-election violence in 2007 the essays in this book deal with nation-building, constituitonalism, federalism, citizenship and minority rights in the light of ethnicity. The book was produced by the Kenyan Section of the International Commission of Jurists and funded and supported by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation.

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The chapters deal with:

1. Post-Colonial Nation-Building and Ethnic Diversity in Africa

2. Constitutionalism as a Panacea to Ethnic Divisions in Kenya: A Post 2007 Election Crisis Perspective

3. Devolution of Power as Constitutionalism: the Constitutional Debate and Beyond

4. Federalism and the Ethnicity Question in Kenya: Limits, Fears, and Prospects

5. Ethnic Conflict in Kenya: an Analysis of the Politicization of Ethnicity and the Impact of Free Markets on Ethnic Relations

6. Citizenship and Minorities in Kenya

7. Cameroon's Constitutional Conundrum: Reconciling Unity with Diversity

8. Federalism and Accommodation of Ethnic Diversity in Africa: the Ethiopian Experience

9. Protecting Ethnic Minorities in Nigeria's Delta

10. Explaining and Managing the Politics of Ethnic Diversity in South Africa

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