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Event Reports

Annual Workshop of KAS' African Group of Experts on International Criminal Justice held in Arusha, Tanzania

15th-16th September 2016

KAS’ African Group of Experts on International Criminal Justice comprises individuals drawn from various parts of Sub-Saharan Africa working as scholars, researchers and/or practitioners in the field of international criminal law. This group meets annually to discuss pertinent matters related to international criminal justice from the African perspective, in addition to peer-reviewing their respective articles that are published annually.

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The two-day workshop in the year 2016 was held in Arusha, Tanzania and commenced with Dr. Beitel van der Merwe providing comprehensive brief on the notable developments on the subject since the beginning of the year.

In addition to discussing the general trends and developments, the group members shared and discussed the following topics which will form the bulk of this year’s publication:

  • The African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights: A critique of the subject matter jurisdiction over international crimes - presented by Evelyne Asaala
  • The Deployment of MAPROBU in Burundi – is it an Invasion and Violation of Sovereignty? – presented by Emilia Siwingwa
  • The torture chamber: African participation in extraordinary rendition and enhanced interrogation techniques - presented by Jeanne-Mari Retief
  • Is universal jurisdiction the future of international criminal justice in Africa? Lessons from the Hissène Habré case - presented by Bernard Ntahiraja
  • The ICC Complementarity Principle in Practice: the Congo's Recent Experience – presented by Balingene Kahombo
  • La Nouvelle section pénale de la Cour africaine des droits de l’homme: un miroir aux alouettes? - presented by Eugene Bakama
  • Législation de mise en oeuvre du Statut de Rome en RD Congo: un pas en avant, un pas en arrière - presented by Pacifique Muhindo
  • Treaty withdrawals as state defiance of international jurisdictions and international rule of law: Historicising the 2016 AU ICC Withdrawal Roadmap – presented by Humprey Sipalla
The members had an opportunity to visit the African Court on Human and People’s Rights where they were briefed on the work of the Court and some members got the chance to speak to the new president Honorable Judge Sylvain Oré.

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The experts, drawn from various parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, consist of academics and legal practitioners holding expertise in the field of International Criminal Law. They meet annually to discuss matters related to International Criminal Justice on the African continent. KAS Kenya

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