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Monitor Election and Social Research

Break-up of the traffic light coalition without consequences for political opinions

Results from representative trend surveys on political attitudes

Since December 2022, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation has conducted short surveys on the political attitudes of Germans twice a year. The most recent survey was launched shortly after the break-up of the traffic light coalition on 6 November 2024. This study uses survey data from 2022 to 2024 to show how the political attitudes of the German population have changed following the end of the traffic light coalition. What is the situation at the end of 2024 in terms of satisfaction with democracy or confidence in the future? Has there been a shift to the right in terms of self-positioning on the left-right scale? What about populism and conspiracy theories?

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Overall, the study shows only minor changes in the climate of opinion between June and November 2024. After a significant decline between December 2022 and June 2023, satisfaction with democracy rose again slightly in June 2024 and fell again in November 2024. Green voters are consistently more satisfied with democracy than other voter groups. Approval of populism has risen slightly in western and eastern Germany, depending on the statement.

However, the self-assessment on the left-right scale is surprisingly constant. In addition, confidence in the future, a sense of security and belief in secret powers have remained stable among the population as a whole. However, Germans are less confident about the future than they were during the coronavirus pandemic. Confidence in the future is increasing among AfD voters. Qualitative studies by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation suggest that this is due to the prospect that the AfD could be included in a government due to its strength.

This study suggests, at least for the attitudes analysed here, that the premature end of the so-called traffic light coalition had no particular influence on the political attitudes of the population. The climate of opinion remains surprisingly stable with slight fluctuations. Even in qualitative focus groups conducted in November 2024, the break-up of the government and the early election only played a minor role in the participants' discussions.

Read the entire study “Break-up of the traffic light coalition without consequences for political opinions – Results from representative trend surveys on political attitudes” here as a PDF. Please note, to date the study is only available in German.



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Dr. Sabine Pokorny


Electoral and Social Research +49 30 26996-3544


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About this series

The publications of the Election and Social Research Monitor are part of our Monitor publication series. The Monitor series deals with one main topic at a time from the perspective of KAS experts and places it in the political and social context on the basis of a few key points.