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Publications on the topic of “Sustainability needs Innovation”

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Privatfoto / Vasilis Kougionis

Forest and vegetation fires in Greece 2024

Challenges, Impact & International aid

The year 2024 in Greece was marked by numerous and devastating forest fires. This season once again represented a considerable burden for the Greek civil protection and civil protection as well as the fire brigades. The damage to the environment was high, although it should be noted that significantly less area was burned than in the previous year. The government's measures for early detection  fires, the equipment of fire brigades, the reduction of fire loads and the harsh penalties for arsonists seem to be having an effect.  This report analyses the main causes and effects of the fires in Greece, compares the figures with 2023, identifies the structures of civil protection and presents international aid and its possibilities for improvement. 

KI-geniert mit Adobe Firefly, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.

AI Robotics as a Competitive Advantage

Reaching the Top with Intelligent Machines

AI-driven robots are a key competitive factor in the global economy. Germany is well-positioned in this field but must significantly expand its capabilities to play a leading role in the geoeconomic race. This requires simplified regulations, standardized frameworks, expanded sandboxes, a strong EU internal market, access to data, energy security, increased knowledge transfer from research to market, investment-stimulating incentives, and public acceptance.

Adobe Firefly/Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.

High-Impact Tutoring: an effective lever for improving basic skills

How High-Impact Tutoring can strengthening basic skills and effectively combat the education crisis

Reading, writing and maths are essential, but many pupils do not achieve these skills sufficiently. High-Impact Tutoring (HIT) – intensive, evidence-based small group support – has proven to be an effective approach. Studies show significant learning gains. Germany should make greater use of this model, particularly as part of the Startchancen Programme, to systematically tackle educational deficits. HIT is presented here as the first of different approaches for strengthening basic skills.


Boost for the Defence Industry

Seven short-term proposals for a competitive domestic defence sector

The USA is withdrawing from Europe as a security guarantor – what should be done now? In order to assert and preserve themselves, Germany and Europe must quickly invest more in their deterrence and defence capabilities. We are not helpless. But defence capability requires significant and long-term investments in our armed forces, in research and development, in infrastructure, materials and personnel. The arms industry plays a key role.

Adobe Stock/ Nataliya

The Value of Global Health

Why Germany's strong commitment is worthwhile

The declared withdrawal of the USA is a hard blow to the World Health Organisation. The freezing of US development aid is even more serious. It poses an acute threat to millions of people who are now cut off from medicines, medical care and preventive measures. As the second largest donor, Germany is now expected to assume greater responsibility. It will not be able to close the gap left by the USA, especially as budget funds are becoming scarcer. So what are the arguments in favour of Germany's strong commitment to global health?

PantherMedia / daniel0

Mexico: Turbulent start to a landmark year

An overview of current political events

The year 2025 in Mexico began with a series of notable events: In addition to an early first assessment of the new government of President Claudia Sheinbaum, who celebrated extensively after just 100 days in office, the highly optimistic economic development plan, Plan México, made headlines. Internationally, the (supposed?) breakthrough in the renewed EU-Mexico Global Agreement surprised observers, before the inauguration of Donald Trump in Washington and the hourly announced executive orders regarding migration, trade, and security dominated the political agenda. A considerable noise level at the beginning of the year. It remains to be seen what consequences will arise from this in the coming months.

Policy Atlas ‘Renting, Buying, Living’

An overview of key housing policy measures

The basic provision of housing for people and wealth creation in the form of home ownership are central pillars of prosperity and social justice. The issue of providing adequate and affordable housing is acute. It affects almost everyone and is characterized by a high degree of complexity and multidimensionality. (Socially acceptable) housing must be created quickly and efficiently, because housing policy is social policy, labor market policy, economic policy, energy and climate policy, innovation policy, urban development policy and much more.


International talent for the German middle class

Measures to improve skilled immigration

German small and medium-sized companies face challenges in attracting skilled labor from Non-EU-countries. Despite reforms in immigration law, skilled labor immigration to Germany remains low. What measures and policies are needed to strengthen international talent acquisition in German SMEs?

Mit der KI Adobe Firefly generiert/ Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.

Research nation China

Partner, competitor and systemic rival

Over the last two decades, the People's Republic of China has developed into a leading technology nation and is on its way to becoming a global ‘science superpower’. Although the systemic rivalry with the People's Republic of China is increasingly taking centre stage in the public debate, such as the dual-use potential of research cooperation, China's role as an important partner should not be underestimated, particularly with regard to the large number of talented individuals and modern research facilities.

Adobe Stock / Artlana; generiert mit KI

AI and Elections: New dynamics of digital democracy in Germany

Opportunities and risks for our democratic order through AI in the super election year 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the election campaign. Between innovation and manipulation, the integrity of democratic processes is being put to the test. AI is also marking a new era of political communication in Germany: while parties such as the AfD are using AI for emotionalising messages, others such as Volt are using data-driven strategies for mobilisation. The risks of the technology range from disinformation to the fragmentation of public discourse. What regulatory measures are needed to ensure trust and transparency in the digital age?